Snooker legend Stephen Hendry’s Top 5 tips!
Seven-time World Snooker Championship winner Stephen Hendry has told BetStars his five basic tips for becoming a snooker pro!
Hendry’s top tips are as follows:
1. The Cue – Comes in handy if you want to play snooker! The cue Hendry used throughout his career was actually bent, so his advice is to just find the cue that works best for you.
2. The Chalk – You may have seen the pros chalk their cue tips after every shot, and Hendry explains why this is. A chalked cue allows the player to control their screw shot, an important skill to know.
3. Stance – An unbalanced stance will directly affect your play, so Hendry’s tip is as follows: put your right foot (if right-handed) in front of the shot, with the left foot just to the side, with right leg firm. A strong stance equals a strong shot.
4. Shots – If you can’t control the white cue ball, you can’t control your shots. Watch Hendry demonstrate his ‘line-up’ technique that enabled him to play to his best!

5. The Table – Survey the table, choose your shot – don’t rush into the first shot you see. Hendry explains the importance of committing to the right shot.